Friday, April 20, 2012

Portfolio Deadline

Dear class:

As per your request, I'll be grading portfolios before our final class of the semester so you can take them with you at the end of that day. My grading day (and therefore your deadline to turn them in) will be Sunday, April 29th at 3pm. Please plan to leave both your portfolio and your notebook in the classroom racks clearly visible and clearly labeled with your name at or before that time.

Your portfolio should contain all the homework drawings from the semester except for the midterm and final projects, which are graded separately. Be aware that a sloppy portfolio will affect your grade, as will a missing assignment.

Independent Study Projects: If you did an independent study project at the end of this semester, this should also be included either in or alongside your portfolio. 

 Here's the list of assignments from this semester:

1. Cubist collage
2. Paper cut-out drawing
3. Monochrome pastel
4. Altered masterpiece pastel
5. Movement drawing (or flip book)
6. Informational image drawing
7. Unconventional tool drawing

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