Monday, April 2, 2012

New Classwork Policy

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see post below for this week's homework assignment!

Dear class,

I've decided to issue a new policy for our in-class studies that I'm calling the Independent Study Option. For those of you who are feeling frustrated with the issue-specific nature of our short in-class studies, I'm going to give you the option of pursuing a set of longer-term drawings (i.e., drawings you can continue to work on from one class period to the next) for the remainder of the term. For these more in-depth pieces you will be permitted to pursue any subject -- abstract or representational -- and to develop it in any medium of your choosing. I will continue to give a brief presentation before each drawing session, but its implementation in class work will from now on be optional.

If you are interested in pursuing an independent drawing project, please bring to class next week several sheets of watercolor paper (22" x 30" -- the standard size, which you can easily purchase at DaVinci) or some other drawing surface so that you'll have something nicer to work on than your newsprint. You can store these drawings in the classroom racks alongside your newsprint pads.

I look forward to seeing some exciting work emerge over the course of the next few weeks. I will, of course, be available for feedback as always. The idea here is to give you more freedom to challenge yourselves in new ways for the rest of the year. BEING BORED IN DRAWING CLASS IS NO LONGER A VIABLE OPTION! Please use the remaining class time to work on artwork you care about deeply and will be happy to save.

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