Monday, October 10, 2011

Homework Assignment #4


This week's assignment is to make a drawing that both depicts some aspect of what we saw today and that conveys something of the emotional range you experienced while in Liberty Park.

Begin by selecting a photograph either from the media or from Karen's collection of images (as she is the only one of us who had a camera today). Spend some time on your choice of image, and choose one that seems representative of the scene we witnessed today.

Using any of the drawing media we have used so far this semester (or pen), make a drawing based on your selected image. Feel free to simplify (or alter, distort, exaggerate, etc.) the forms in the image; in the end, your drawing should be a stand-alone work of art independent of the image that inspired it.

Concentrate on using your mark-making, your selected tonal range, and your use of negative space to evoke the emotion you want to convey rather than relying solely on the narrative depicted in your image. The challenge of this assignment is essentially to make a drawing that is more powerful -- more emotionally compelling -- than the photograph. Remember that formal elements (i.e., mark, line, shape, tone, negative space, composition) themselves speak volumes.

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