Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cathedral drawings and materials notice

Dear class,

First, since a number of you were unable to finish your drawings yesterday at the cathedral, I am going to give that (i.e., finishing the drawings) as a secondary assignment for the week following next week's class. Not to worry! The primary assignment for that week will be quick and will require only about an hour of your time. You can plan to put the remaining five or so hours into finishing the drawing you started at the church. To do this you can either return to the church on your own time (check its hours before going: www.stjohndivine.org), or, if you feel you have all the perspective right, you can use your memory, imagination, and other drawing skills to bring the drawing up to the level of a work of art. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

This week, however, you should focus on your Imaginary Cityscape assignment.

Finally, please bring two black Conte Crayons to class next week. We will be beginning our figure studies using a live model, and it's imperative that you have the Conte Crayon for this session.

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