Thursday, March 8, 2012

Studio Day on March 12th

Dear class,

As you all know, we'll be having our "studio day" on the first Monday after spring break. This is the day when we'll be working with the models and projections for your midterm projects. Please come to class prepared with the following items:

(1) A digital camera. If you don't have one and you plan to use the models and projections, please be sure you can borrow one from a classmate who will be bringing one. It's important that we get good quality photographs, so don't rely on your cellphones for this.

(2) Your notebook. If you'll be working with the models and projections, you should come to class prepared to show the models what you have in mind. Remember: An image is worth a thousand words! It's much more efficient to show the models what you have in mind than it is to explain it verbally.

(3) Your drawing materials and paper for the project. Especially if you don't plan on using the models and projections, you should come to class prepared to get to work on your project. If necessary, we'll send you to another room where you can work without being disrupted.

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