Monday, December 19, 2011

Conclusion of semester

Dear class,

Thanks to all of you for making today's final critique such a successful and rewarding experience! I appreciated very much all the thoughtful comments and questions, and I think it's safe to say that we all got something significant out of the day.

Since I didn't do much talking during our final critique, I want to offer anyone who wants it some personal feedback from me via e-mail. If you'd like some comments from me on your piece, please e-mail me at

I've moved tomorrow's (Tuesday's) grading period to earlier in the day (11am - 1pm) so that you'll be able to retrieve your work before you leave for the holidays. If you are unable to come by the classroom tomorrow at 1:00, I will leave your materials (i.e., portfolios and notebooks) in my class locker on the first floor. My locker is in room 102C, and it's Locker B. If you need to have access to your things over the break, you can unlock the lock with the following combination: 30-4-34. Please be sure to lock it back up when you leave.

I wish you all a fun and relaxing holiday break, and I look forward to seeing you again in early January.

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