Monday, November 14, 2011

Homework Assignment #9, due Monday, Nov. 21


In keeping with the anatomical studies we began in class, this week’s assignment is to make a drawing of hands (at least four) arranged on a page in an interesting and meaningful way. Begin from observation, using your own hand (the one you’re not using for drawing) to enact a sequence of gestures. These gestures can be anything from formal poses to recognizable signals (including those used in sign language). The idea is to arrange the drawn hands on your paper in such a way that the drawing communicates something, however subtle it may be. (It may be as subtle and abstract as a sense of disappointment, for example, or the suggestion of a mountain range in China.) As you did in class, concentrate on seeing the skin as "drapery" that wraps around the underlying skeletal, muscular, and vascular systems, revealing something of their structure

Please note: All your drawings beyond this point should transcend the level of academic study. Use your skills not merely to prove that you have them but to say something! Make the viewer want to keep coming back to your drawing. Among numerous other attributes that tend to keep the viewer coming back are: beauty, ambiguity, intrigue, an element of surprise, the grotesque, the fanciful…

Materials: Conte crayon (black and white) and sketch vellum.

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